Your Pets Miss You!

I’ve been gone from home recently, more than I have been in the past. A month ago I was gone on a business retreat for a week. Last week I was in the hospital unexpectedly - everything’s fine.

Usually, it’s my husband and I both gone at the same time for vacations and family visits, and we have our pet-sitter come by a couple times a day. The cats love them, so they don’t seem like they miss us, they have so much fun while we’re gone!

But these last few times it was just me. Justin was home by himself. Sleeping in a big, empty bed. Usually at night we are accompanied in the bedroom by both cats. Fuzzy likes to sleep under the covers between us, and Furdinand has his basket up on the shelf where he retires. But Justin reported that the entire time I was gone, the cats stayed in the living room and slept on the couch. One night he carried them up to the bedroom with him, to kind of give them a hint that it was bedtime, but they immediately came back downstairs. They could watch both doors from the couch. We suspect they were waiting for me to come home.

The point of this story? Yes, even your cats miss you! Dogs greet you with the tail wag of someone who thought you might be gone forever, but cats not so much. They sometimes barely look up from their napping spot when we get home. But the boys’ sleeping habits while I was gone show me that indeed, they missed me. And honestly, it felt good to be missed.

Do your pets miss you? How do they show you? I’d love to hear about it! Schedule your free consultation with Crimson Cat Studios so we can learn this and more about the loves of your life before we capture the many facets of their personalities with stunning portraits.


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